Apples and blackberries also fall under this category.

Apples and blackberries also fall under this category.

Ayurveda Coach Dr Dimple Jangada has shared information on her Instagram post about such fruits.

We are all aware that fruits are beneficial to our health. They are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which are effective in protecting the body from various diseases. Did you know that excessive consumption of certain fruits can lead to gas and bloating? Yes, you read that right. Ayurveda Coach Dr Dimple Jangada has shared information on her Instagram post about such fruits, which can cause bloating and gas, when consumed in excess. Read on.

1. Apples and blackberries: Both these fruits are very beneficial and rich in nutrients. Sorbitol is a sugar found naturally in many fruits. Some people’s bodies do not absorb it properly, causing them to suffer from gas and bloating. It can cause diarrhoea, especially in children. If you already have this problem of bloating, then eat less or avoid these fruits completely.

2. Peaches: It contains natural sugars called polyols, which often do not mix well with the bacteria found in the intestines. You boil this fruit by adding a pinch of black pepper, cinnamon, cloves, and cardamom, and then eat it.

3. Dried Apricots – It contains a high amount of sugar called fructose, which can cause stomach ache, if you eat too much of it. Bloating can also be a problem. Whenever there is stomach pain, its consumption should be avoided.

4. Watermelon: This fruit is available in summer. It is quite high in fructose, which is a sugar. Your body may have trouble digesting it, so you may experience gas after consuming it. This is rare, but ones who have hereditary fructose intolerance might face this issue. Add a pinch of black pepper or fruit masala on watermelon slices and eat.

5. Muskmelon: This fruit is also available in the summer season. Most of the people consume it in a very high quantity at a time. This may lead to gas, and bloating problems. Belching and swelling may also occur in some people. Add some sugar or black pepper to it, then consume it. Do not take diet drinks with sugar, alcohol, chewing gum and coffee with this fruit.

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