Actor Vishnu Vishal has signed a new project with director Arunraja Kamaraj of Kanaa and Nenjuku Needhi fame. The untitled film will be produced by Raahul of Romeo Pictures.
Vishnu Vishal took to X to share an image with the upcoming film’s director and producer. The film marks the actor’s first collaboration with Arunraja. More details on the cast and crew are expected soon.
Arunraja recently made his OTT debut with Label, starring Jai and Tanya Hope. Vishnu Vishal, who is gearing up for the release of Lal Salaam this week, has films like Mohandas and Aaryan in different stages of development. He also recently announced a project with Idharkuthane Aasaipattai Balakumara–fame Gokul.