In a captivating new venture announced amidst the glamour of the Cannes Film Festival, actor Ed Harris is stepping behind the camera to direct an adaptation of Kim Zupan’s neo-noir novel, The Ploughmen. As per The Hollywood Reporter, this forthcoming film promises an enthralling narrative with a stellar cast ensemble featuring the likes of Nick Nolte, Bill Murray, and Owen Teague.
The Ploughmen delves into the intriguing dynamics of an unlikely bond between a haunted young deputy sheriff and a notorious old murderer. Nick Nolte takes on the role of John Gload, a seasoned killer whose expertise finally meets its match in the form of law enforcement. Meanwhile, Owen Teague embodies the role of Val Millimaki, the young deputy whose encounter with Gload sparks an unexpected connection, leading him to seek guidance from the very man he’s meant to detain.
Bill Murray rounds off the trio as the sheriff overseeing this unconventional interaction. Harris, alongside producers Ginger Sledge and Robert Knott, is poised to bring Zupan’s gripping narrative to life, capturing the essence of the novel’s tension and psychological depth. The movie is set to commence production amidst the breathtaking landscapes of Montana later this fall, as per The Hollywood Reporter.
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For Harris, The Ploughmen marks his third directorial venture, following his acclaimed Western Appaloosa in 2008 and the multi-Oscar nominated Pollock in 2000. Meanwhile, joining the stellar cast and crew are Amy Madigan and Lily HarrisWith production set to commence, anticipation is high for this neo-noir adaptation to make its mark on the cinematic landscape.
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